MQTT print job

After the terminal connects to the MQTT server, it waits for the print message issued by the server

Field Type Description
dvsno String Terminal ID
kind String Command ID, default is PRINT_TASK
count String the number of print jobs
list JSON array Print task list
task_id String Task ID, which is maintained by the business platform itself
usbidx String printer interface identifier, the value is 0~2, representing 3 USB interfaces respectively
file_size Int packet size
0: download and print content by URL,
>0: print data packet target_file field data length
target_file String When the value of file_size is 0, this field is the URL address for the print server to obtain the print data.
When the value of file_size is greater than 0, this field is the data sent directly to the printer, encoded in BASE64
    Note: The data size of this message package should not exceed 1MB
作者:admin  创建时间:2023-03-31 08:45
最后编辑:admin  更新时间:2023-12-18 22:31